< マクドナルドの英語おもしろ雑学 >

− 足し算と引き算と掛け算と割り算 −


◆足し算(addition) 2+3=5 Two plus three equals five.
 こういう表現もあります…… Two plus three makes five.
 こういう表現もあります…… Two plus three is five.

◆引き算(subtraction) 3−2=1 Three minus two equals one.
 こういう表現もあります…… Two from three is one.

◆掛け算(multiplication) 2×3=6 Two times three is six.
 こういう表現もあります…… Two multiplied by three equals six.
 こういう表現もあります…… Two threes are six.

◆割り算(division) 6÷2=3 Six divided by two equals three.


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